Monday, March 31, 2008

I love blogging - I'm so informal today

The past few days I have discovered some people with very interesting blogs! I have new links! I'm glad for making new contacts in this whole blog thing that I am new to.

I taught my first lesson today to an 8th grade class. They were awesome, especially with their behavior. It amazes me how a few years can turn a bunch of mean children into pretty good behaved young adults. Wow, my writing sounds horrible today. . . sorry!

I have to leave my school early tomorrow for a doctor's appointment (yay). I have a bladder disorder (Interstitial Cystitis). It honestly causes a lot of misery. I have a bladder infection right now that is about to destroy me. So hopefully tomorrow I can get some medicine to straighten it out!

Lately I have gotten the urge to post some artwork that's not typically seen all the time. I don't know how obscure Jim Dine is, but I'm going to post him anyway.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Making Money Online with

I don't know about you, but I LOVE to make money online. As of late, it has come to be somewhat of a small obsession. I'm a college student, so I'm very poor. I'm currently a student teacher (which I don't get paid for), so I have no time for a full time job. With that said, making money online is AWESOME.

I recently discovered this site, It is yet another one of those great sites on the internet that allows you to make money online. If you're a blogger, this is for you! All you have to do is sign up for a free account. Once you sign up, you are given a list of items or products to write about. You can write about products, services, press releases and more. When you do this, pays you for your articles!

If you're an advertiser, instead of a blogger, you can also sign up for Bloggers can write about your products or services! It will increase your buzz and spread the word about your products across the internet.

It's easy, and it's great. I think you should try it out.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Blah Blah Blah

So here I sit. My first week of student teaching at my high school placement pretty much went off without a hitch. I made some samples today for students to see next week. I did a painting, and also a clay tile for a mural. It was kind of fun.

I'm pissed because Google denied my appeal for my ads to be given back to me. WHAT IS THE DEAL?! Does anyone know of any other ad companies similar to Google ads? I think I may move my blog to VOX. If I do, I will post a referring link, to those few who do read this. :) I haven't made any kind of decision yet though about that.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Google Ads have disabled my account. WHY? I don't need any more irritation. I don't have time for this! I suppose I will have to deal with that later. Not now, that's for sure.

I have very little time to be online, or else I would get more done. Today was my second day at my high school placement. I learned how to load the kiln. I completed a clay tile for the mural. It was a decent day.

I'm really sad that I don't have more time for this. Now I have to figure out what's going on with my dang ads.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Change of Routine

I'm still pissed at Microsoft/Windows. Anything Bill Gates related.

My dad is buying an anti-virus whatever today to see if he can fix our crappy PC. I'm quite content with my MAC thank you very much.

I began my high school placement today. It was really different than elementary. My schedule is SO MUCH easier, and the kids are a lot better behaved.

I got all my hair chopped off. I'm loving.

I'm actually kind of depressed about this blog at the moment. I don't think anyone reads this. I don't care in one aspect, but in another, I do. I wish I could devote more time to pimping this thing out and making it "popular". I just don't have the time right now. So if you're one of the few people that DO read this, thank you!

Friday, March 21, 2008


I've had it up to my ears dealing with Windows-based PCs and Internet Explorer! Yesterday my dad and I had to reboot this entire computer. Meaning, that we had to erase every single thing on it, and now it's empty. While it should act like a brand new computer, it's still acting like a piece of garbage. The windows website will not let me update to a newer version of Internet Explorer, it won't let me install Office 2007 because it says I need a newer version of Windows, and when I try to update my Windows, it won't do that either! Word to Bill Gates, YOU SUCK. I will never again by a Windows Based PC.


I have an Apple Powerbook G4 that I've had for about three years, and I have NEVER, NOT ONCE, had any problems with it. It still acts like a brand new computer. So yes, I'm FED up. How am I supposed to do my homework without Office on my computer??? *Throws computer out the window!*

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Aches and Nerves

I went to the dentist today to try to get this horrible chipped tooth in the back of my mouth pulled out of my head. Unfortunately, after they took the XRAY, it was determined that it is too infected touch! My aunt is a dental assistant there. She said that if they tried to pull it when it's infected that it would hurt really bad. So, I received a prescription for Penicillin 500 MG to take four times a day! I'm going back on Thursday and they are going to see if they can deal with it then. Cross your fingers, because I can't deal with this pain for much longer!

So, I'm looking into a prospective job offer. Well it's not really been offered, but I'm trying to get it anyway. I don't think I already posted about this, but if I did, it's going to be posted again. My cooperating teacher I worked with for the past seven weeks told me that there is going to be a job opening for an art teaching position at an elementary school in our area. She told me to email the principal and to drop my portfolio off for them to look at. I emailed the principal my resume and a powerpoint featuring photos of me teaching. I also finished my portoflio yesterday. The principal has not emailed me back yet, and I don't like that at all. I'm still going to visit the school tomorrow and try to drop my portfolio off. I hope they are nice to me and it goes well. I'm really nervous about it. Yikes!!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Edward Hopper is Hoppin'

I am aware that I still need to post some photos from my school and such, but I would rather post some Edward Hopper artwork at the moment. I love how fresh and clean his work looks!

Night Hawks

Morning Sun

Lighthouse Hill

Sunday, March 16, 2008


I've had such a busy week and weekend! I've not had a single day off this week. It was a full seven day week. I spent Monday through Friday at my elementary placement. It was my last week there. Yesterday I took the PRAXIS exam to determine whether or not I'm certified to teach. It was probably the hardest test I've ever taken. I hope I passed! I do NOT want to pay to take that test again.

Today I helped at a high school art award show that was displayed at my college. I helped give out awards to the winners! It was fun, but tiring.

I get to start my spring break now. I am glad to have a break! Yay!

I have a lot of pics I want to post on here, but at the moment I am too lazy to post them!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The differences in teachers

My college supervisor requires me to visit at least one other art teacher during each placement I am at. So today I visited another elementary art teacher. It was definitely an experience. I wouldn't at all say that she was the best art teacher that I have ever observed. I have a problem with allowing grades 1-5 to do the exact same project. I have a problem with having everything precut for them and telling them exactly where to glue them. That is NOT art in any way, shape, or form. She was a very nice lady and everything she did was not bad, but I would most definitely do things different! I think it was a good experience for me. It's not always necesary to see the best thing. Seeing things you don't agree with allows you to see what you would do differently in your own room.

I am sick! I have a sore throat. I feel like I have needles poking my throat. I have been ill in the past couple of weeks, and every time I feel like I am getting better, I end up feeling bad again. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself! I'm falling apart!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dirty Clay

Today was a busy day! We had a guest artist come to our school to do a clay project with the fifth grade. They loved it! I wish I had a picture of it at this time, but I don't! Basically what the kids did was weave baskets with CLAY! It's pretty nifty. I've never been one to love doing clay projects simply because I suck at it, but today went really well.

My supervising teacher gave me a lot of photos today of me teaching during the past few weeks. I cannot wait to post some of them here! It makes me excited!

This is random, but anyone a fan of the show Big Brother . . . or Ghost Hunters?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

This is a stressful time!

I did finish my solo week of teaching last week for my elementary placement. So, in regards to teaching this week, I am not stressed. I do not have to individually teach at all this week! BUT, this coming Saturday, I am going to be taking the Praxis exam. I have already passed one part of it before, but now I have two more parts of it to pass. This test determines whether or not I am certified to be a teacher in the state of Kentucky. I've been trying to studying a little bit over the weekend, but I cannot seem to get focused!!! I'm a little bit freaked out and I think I need all the luck I can get to pass this test. It is kind of scary to think that I have went to college all this time, and this exam can STIL stop me from getting a job that I want.

I'm leaving in an hour or so to go back to my apartment. I need to clean my apartment, but I don't see that happening. My boyfriend and I are supposed to go to the grocery store tonight, AKA Walmart Supercenter. I want to get there before 8:00 because I am supposed to print out some photos of my artwork to use on the Praxis. I think they stop letting customers print out photos after eight. I don't know if I am going to get there in time though. I may have to put that off until tomorrow evening.

Here are two more photos from Art's Night of my students creating a paper mache bowl.

If you missed my post from yesterday, there are some more photos from Art's Night, and my bulletin board as well.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Pics Galore

Here are a few photos from the paper mache room at Art's Night. Don't they look so happy to be there!

Here is a photo of my bulletin board I put up on Wednesday. It features some of the projects from some of my students. The only colors on the board are the secondary colors, except for some of the construction paper the kids used to put their collage on.

That's all for today. I will post some more tomorrow possibly!

Friday, March 7, 2008


Today was SUCH a frustrating day. My supervising teacher was gone to conference, so I spent the day with the substitute, and I pretty much ran the class. The sub was delightful, but you would think that some of the kids were demons sent straight from hell. Notice that I said SOME of the kids. Some are really sweet, but the many that aren't sweet!

I have literally yelled at kids all day trying to get them to listen to me. I'm almost hoarse. It's not fun. On top of this, we are under a winter storm warning. I was worried all day that I would get stuck in town and wouldn't be able to go back home this weekend. I made it home thankfully, but it was so frustrating today being at that school with kids who were acting horrible, afraid that I wasn't going to get to come home.

I have no inspiration to post any kind of art right now. Maybe later I will post a picture of the bulletin board I put up Wednesday. <3

Monday, March 3, 2008

Good Day!

My supervisor from my college came and evaluated my teaching today. She stayed for two 50 minute classes. In my first fifth grade class, they were creating African masks out of clay. In my fourth grade, they were creating papier-mache' bowls. It went really well!!! When she left she told me that I did a wonderful job. Needless to say, it was a big relief, and I am happy!

Tomorrow is Art's night. I'm hosting two papier-mache sessions for the kids and their families, so that should be fun. I hope it goes well. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't.

For some reason I feel like posting works by Magritte today. Here ya go:

Time Transfixed


The Son of Man

"This is not a pipe" (It's a painting of one!)

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Lazy Sunday

I feel SO lazy today. So lazy that I'm in a bad mood. I'm not sure that statement entirely makes sense, but it does to me, a little bit. I have a dull, nagging toothache. The fact that I know I am not going to be able to see a dentist for at least another two weeks does not help that situation. The fact that I know I am going to have to deal with this dull, nagging pain while I work for the next two weeks does not help either.

My boyfriend has been busy doing this and that since Friday, and I have spoke to him for a total of about five minutes this weekend. It really is not a good thing. I don't like it, but whatever. Maybe I will see him tonight.

I'm going to post some Picasso, and I'm not posting the names of the work. Like I said, I'm LAZY today.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

African Masks

West African art is often a big deal on elementary art curriculums. At least it is here. So, I thought I would post some few photos of African masks that I looked up through Google. I figure any type of exposure helps.

So, that's that.

I have spent my day watching Ghost Hunters, still (from yesterday!) with my mom, and doing some homework. It's been rather relaxing in a way. My voice is coming back, thank goodness! I'm feeling a lot better. So, maybe I can get back into the swing of things!!!